The BIRKMAN Method®


is an in inter­na­tion­al val­i­dat­ed and cer­ti­fied ASSESSMENT method, which sup­ports you in Career Explo­ration, Effec­tive Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Lead­er­ship Devel­op­ment and Team Effec­tive­ness. There are var­i­ous insight­ful derived reports available.


Pro­fes­sion­als: There are around 4000 licensed Birk­man Pro­fes­sion­als in the world

Reli­able Report­ing: Val­i­dat­ed assess­ment method, with reports avail­able in 20 languages

Life-Resis­tant: A report will last your entire career

Mod­ern & Intu­itive Report: Com­plete­ly updat­ed design of the Birk­man Sig­na­ture Report


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Change & Transformation Development

You can lead change. Here is how to do it

No mat­ter how you look at it, the world con­tin­ues to change — FASTER, but our abil­i­ty to keep up has­n’t kept pace!

If you as a leader have not the abil­i­ty to man­age change that is well received by your col­leagues, the chance for project fail­ure is high. There­fore you need to devel­op impec­ca­ble aware­ness of your behav­ior and of how oth­ers inter­pret it.

Personal Development

Do you want to make your dreams come true?

Did you ever had the sit­u­a­tion that you felt mis­guid­ed by oth­ers peo­ple advise? This was not your fault, but some­one else is not you, nor can meet your needs. He can’t put him­self in your shoes!

Use the Birk­man Method® to iden­ti­fy your per­son­al strengths and inter­ests, and use this as your foun­da­tion to deter­mine what you want to do with your life!


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Team & Leadership Development

Do you know how your team ticks?

Are your team mem­bers going the extra mile for you — because of YOU, and not because of you being their manager?!


If you are not so sure now, how about invest­ing in your­self and gain­ing these capa­bil­i­ties with­in the next cou­ple of days?

Take your­self & your team to the next level!


Dynam­ic Reports


Years of Behav­ioral Assess­ment Innovation


Orga­ni­za­tions using Birkman


peo­ple world­wide have com­plet­ed the Birk­man Method ® Assessment

BIRKMAN Method® Reaching Further

The Birk­man Map sum­ma­rizes the key data points from the Birk­man Method per­son­al­i­ty assess­ment on a col­or­ful and mem­o­rable gra­dat­ed grid. This video reviews the two axes of the Birk­man Map and what the four Birk­man col­ors represent.


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blogging own business study

Per­son­al and Group Assess­ments can be done in the fol­low­ing languages:

  • Eng­lish
  • Ger­man
  • Dutch
work place

The ques­tion­naire can be done in more than 20 dif­fer­ent languages.

Personal Assessment

The indi­vid­ual analy­sis rep­re­sents your per­son­al pro­fes­sion­al strengths, your needs, pos­si­ble stress fac­tors and the expect­ed stress behav­ior. You can expect a com­pre­hen­sive and detailed break­down of your behav­ior, as well as an insight into how you per­ceive the world, how you lead peo­ple, how you see your­self and how you deal with deci­sion-mak­ing and change sit­u­a­tions. You will receive guid­ance for your­self and oth­ers (man­ag­er, part­ner, peer.) as a basis for your per­son­al change.


The Birk­man per­son­al assess­ment is suit­able for those:

  • who would like to find their real vocation
  • who want to get to know them­selves better
  • who want to know where their strengths and poten­tial in order to start their own business
  • who want to eval­u­ate new team mem­bers for their best fit in the organization
  • who want to improve their work life bal­ance, and reduce stress


Sequence of events:

  • via our con­tact form you can request a Birk­man consultation
  • you will receive an email with a link of the questionnaire
  • The ques­tion­naire you will take online in about 30–40 minutes
  • you request an appoint­ment (usu­al­ly via Skype) for the evaluation
  • One day before the appoint­ment you will receive your report (approx. 50 pages)



Group Assessment

By using the Birk­man Method® for team build­ing the focus is on the appro­pri­ate com­po­si­tion of form­ing a pow­er­ful team. Com­ple­ment­ing each oth­er in terms of each team mem­bers strengths is the goal, even though every­one is dif­fer­ent and hav­ing his / her own per­son­al­i­ty. The com­mu­ni­ca­tion styles and needs of the dif­fer­ent per­son­al­i­ty types can be illus­trat­ed and con­veyed to each team mem­ber in train­ing and coach­ing, in order to pre­vent con­flicts and mis­un­der­stand­ings. In addi­tion, a Birk­man team eval­u­a­tion makes weak­ness­es and improve­ment poten­tial visible.


The Birk­man team eval­u­a­tion is already use­ful for 2–3 peo­ple. There is no upper lim­it. Usu­al­ly teams between 4 up to 20 peo­ple are evaluated.


There is the option of the entire team eval­u­a­tion accord­ing to their strengths, work and lead­er­ship as well as lifestyles. If desired, each team mem­ber can also be com­pared with all or a spe­cif­ic team mem­ber to uncov­er conflict‑, but also com­ple­men­tary potential.


Sequence of events:

  • every team mem­ber will receive an email with a link of the questionnaire
  • The ques­tion­naire will be tak­en online in about 30–40 minutes
  • The Birk­man Con­sul­tant devel­ops the hand­book and pre­sen­ta­tion incl. the per­son­al assessments
  • Before the sem­i­nar the man­ag­er will receive the group report, and the team mem­bers their indi­vid­ual report
  • Dur­ing a sem­i­nar set-up the eval­u­a­tion incl. the team report will be pre­sent­ed. Indi­vid­ual Coach­ings can be agreed upon seperately.